Thursday, 6 October 2011

208 Theme 2 Nature - Joe Cornish Professional Photographer

Assignment 208 Theme 2 Nature 
Research and influences - Images by Joe Cornish Professional Photographer

Joe was born in Exeter in 1958 and studied at Reading University. He moved to North Yorkshire in 1993 and now owns two galleries in Stokesley and Northallerton. He is a very well-known landscape photographer and has written or provided the images for many books. He has produced a significant amount of work for the National Trust. After working with 35mm and 6x6 film, since 1996 he has worked mainly with 5x4 cameras. In 1999 he set up the company Joegraphic to publish cards and calendars. Joe was made an honorary Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society in 2008. 

The first two images by Joe show how well he has used the light to convey the tranquillity of the scene. The colour combination of the warm glow from the sun and the blue reflections on the water. The patterns and lines give a good composition to the images and the rocks in the foreground give a very strong focal point. In both images the horizon is placed approximately on the top third of the frame and the portrait format rather than a conventional landscape format for this type of photograph may help to sell the image for use on a magazine front cover.

The image below has a beautiful range of colours and patterns produced by the composition of the buildings within the frame. The tonal range is very good with the brown, white and terracotta colours of the buildings balanced against the cool blue of the sea and sky.

A simple but very well taken image. Joe gets fantastic detail in all his photographs with the large format equipment that he uses. There are beautiful textures in the foreground rocks and a wide range of colours in the cliffs and there is a wide tonal range across the frame. 

Another strong simple image where less is more. The reflections in the deep blue water and equally deep blue sky give a exotic feel to an image that could have been taken anywhere. The eye is led across the water to the end of the headland which is the focal point. The headland across the middle of the frame and the square format makes the image very versatile as it can be cropped either way and there will still be a strong image.

This image was taken on a fantastic sunny day with a blue sky and small white clouds to add interest. Great detail, colour and textures in the rocks and the sea. The eye is led along the cliffs to the small rock at the end of the headland which is the focal point. The white lighthouse on the opposite site of the frame to the focal point may distract a little but the image probably works better with it than without or it would have been cropped out.

A beautiful sea and sky scape with some land silhouetted on the horizon to add to the interest in the image. The single focal vanishing point of the frame is the bright point of sky just above the horizon which is on the lower third of the frame. There is a full range of tones from almost white to black and a subtle range of blue, pink and gold.

An image probably from the 5x4 camera by the format that has a great detail and a wide range of tones and colours. This gives a strong image of rural Britain that could be cropped in many ways or left as it is to fulfil the need of picture editors. The eye is led from the larger tree in the bottom right foreground into the frame and towards the horizon. 

A well composed image, the focal point is the dark peak in the clouds. The eye is led to this from the heather in the foreground which is the only colour other than green and grey and then past the rocks in the middle distance. An image that conveys great mood and is very different from the tranquil image above.  

Another image with great composition and very good detail, tone, texture and colours. The eye is led into the frame on a zigzag from the highlighted rocks on the top left third down to the water in the middle distance and then on to the green hill and the brighter horizon.


  1. Hi
    Can you write about these images in an analytical way using the critical vocabulary to describe what you are seeing, with reference to the blog archive to help you.
    In this way you can identify what it is of value that you can add to your own photography, can we discuss this in class.


  2. Thats what I want to say... want to see more info...
