Thursday, 24 November 2011

211 Presenting Photo Images - Photoshop Techniques

Assignment 211 Presenting photo images.

Photoshop exercise, use of the crop tool, colour balance, changes to hue/saturation, colour vibrancy and the clone tool. 

Original image 

This image has been cropped

This image has had the Colour Balance changed

This image has had the Hue/Saturation changed

This image has had the Colour Vibrance changed

The clone tool was used on this image to re-colour the centre of the fungi

Original image

This image has had the hue/saturation changed

This image has had the Colour Balance changed

The clone tool was used on this image to remove the red items on the beach in the middle of the frame 

T2 Nature - Bodenham Arboretum

 Assignment 208 Principles of Location Photography Theme 2 Nature

19th November 2011
Bodenham Arboretum, Kidderminster, Worcestershire

Research, planning and influences
A visit to Bodenham Arboretum was planned to capture the last of the strong autumn colours. My Internet research had indicated that they have a lot of trees that turn red and gold rather than just brown. As the colours were very important I checked the weather forecast on the Internet and chose a day for the visit that although overcast was dry and would give the possibility of warm colours in the afternoon. 
I was influenced by the work of professional photographers Wayne Brittle and Tim Parkin for my visit to Bodenham Arboretum. 

Equipment planning, operation and health & Safety
It was a dry day but very dull with little light so the camera ISO setting was moved from its usual 100 to a 200 position. Also the white balance was set to the cloudy position to boost the colour temperature and show the images as we perceive them. The equipment used was chosen for the wide landscape images (a wide to normal zoom lens) and for concentrating on parts of the foliage as well as close up work (a telephoto zoom with a macro facility). I wanted to capture strong close up images that would convey the time of year. A tripod was used whenever possible taking health and safety into account as a number of other people were walking around the arboretum.

Choice of final images selected
The 16 images below were chosen from the 96 taken on the day to convey the time of year by the colours of the trees, plants and fungi in the arboretum.  
Log of image capture
This image was chosen from a number of general views across the lake as it shows that the arboretum has a series of lakes as well as an extensive collection of trees from many parts of the world. The view down the lake has been strengthened by the inclusion of a brightly coloured tree in the left and bottom thirds of the frame. This gives a balance to the image using the rule of thirds and the eye is drawn from the tree into the distance towards the yellow trees on the far bank of the lake. Other images of the trees and lake were taken but I thought this conveyed the soft light and tranquillity of the day as well as showing the time of year. 
Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/50 sec f/4

Many close up images were taken of the brightly coloured leaves and the following two were chosen which demonstrated best the deep reds, yellows and greens. 
This image works because the colour composition with the bright red foliage in the foreground contrasts against the out of focus green and yellow leaves behind. The overall effect is two different random patterns of colour and texture. 
 Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/40 sec f/4

Again a composition of bright colours and textures but this time on a single plane to form a carpet of pattern. As above the tonal range is good to hold all of the leaves in good exposure.
 Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/40 sec f/4

A beautiful fungi set against the woodland leaf litter. A central position in the frame was selected to concentrate on the fungi and as there was little else of interest around. However this single point of interest concentrates the viewer on the main subject. The colour balance and soft light gives a pleasant tone to the image. Other images of this fungi were taken in a portrait format and at different exposures but I thought that this image captured the fungi and its setting best.
 Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/20 sec f/4

I took this image because of the beautiful texture, colour and tonal range of the bark of this redwood tree. The low afternoon light enhanced the colour temperature and texture of this image to give a simple but strong composition.
 Focal length 28 m set on manual 1/20 sec f/2.8

Another fungi but this time a portrait format worked as there were other examples of the fungi behind the main image. A landscape format would not work as there was a tree branch to the left of the fungi which cut a landscape image in half. The fungi in the background are a distraction but also help to balance the tonal quality of the image and were kept out of focus with an appropriate aperture.
 Focal length 50 m set on manual 1/80 sec f/4

Taken as a contrast to the textured bark of the redwood tree above. This tree has a smooth textured bark with beautiful red sheen. 
 Focal length 50 m set on manual 1/20 sec f/4

Another fungi but with a dramatic red colour that gives a strong image with a contrast of texture as well as colour between the fungi and the leaves around. 
 Focal length 50 m set on manual 1/25 sec f/5

A study of another type of tree bark to show the peeling effect and the range of colours. From brown through red to green and also a range of textures between the smooth areas and the rough parts. 
 Focal length 35 m set on manual 1/50 sec f/5

Another single plane carpet of leaves this time on the ground under a tree. There is a large range of colours and textures with a wide tonal range. 
 Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/25 sec f/5

An orange tree set against a backdrop of dark green which gives a large range of tone and colour. There is also a texture contrast between the orange tree and the background. The trunks of other trees do detract from the impact that the image could have.  
 Focal length 70mm set on manual 1/13 sec f/5

This is a close up of the above tree which is a much better image showing the colour and texture of the small leaves. 
 Focal length 70mm set on manual 1/6 sec f/7.1

 Further contrasts between red and green leaves with different textures of the leaves and the ground below. 
 Focal length 18mm set on manual 1/5 sec f/7.1

A close up of the branch of a bush with bright red berries in the top third of the frame contrasted against the yellow and green leaves in the lower two thirds of the frame. There is also a contrast between the bright foreground and the dark background. 
 Focal length 50mm set on manual 1/6 sec f/7.1

In this image the eye is drawn into the image by the bright reflections in the water to a single vanishing point. There is a contrast in colour between the trees on the left and right of the image.  
 Focal length 35mm set on manual 0.6 sec f/7.1

This image is a composition to show the range of colours in the leaves. There is also a contrast of textures between the trees and the water and the eye is drawn from the bright water up the tree trunk in the background. 
 Focal length 43mm set on manual 1/2 sec f/7.1

Thursday, 17 November 2011

208 T2 Nature - Wolseley Bridge

Assignment 208 Principles of Location Photography Theme 2 Nature

Wolseley Bridge, Staffordshire, 22 October 2011

Research and influences
I used my local knowledge and previous photographic trips to chose this location to show the colours of the season. The weather forecast was also checked on the Internet for good conditions on the day. 
My influence for this photographic assignment was the work of Wayne Brittle Professional Photographer whose work is shown elsewhere in this blog.

Assignment planning and choice of equipment
I have visited the series of pools and River Trent at Wolseley Bridge near Rugeley, Staffordshire many times, often in poor weather but as 22 October was due to be a fine day I knew that the low afternoon sun would help with the colours of autumn.
The equipment used was chosen for the wide landscape images required. So a wide to normal zoom lens 18 to 50 mm and a telephoto zoom 70 to 300 mm.

Safe equipment operation and health & safety
A tripod was used whenever possible taking health and safety into account as a number of other people were walking around on the river bank and lakes.

Choice of final images selected 
The 7 images below were chosen from the 74 taken on the assignment to best convey the time of year, the weather and the time of day and illustrate the colours of the trees and plants. Further information is given below on each one of the images.

Log of image capture
This image of one of the pools shows a good range of colours and textures from the different types of foliage and the blue sky is reflected in the smooth still water. The angles of the banks draw the eye towards the small white birds in the far distance to give a single point of perspective. The reeds on the bottom right of the photograph help to hold in the base of the image. 
 Focal length 26mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, f/8

This image is similar to the one above but with some foreground interest provided by the water birds. From there the eye is drawn on a diagonal towards the dark part of the pool with small pin points of white provided by some birds.
Focal length 50mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, f/8

Another similar image but this time there are reeds along the base of the photograph and the eye is drawn through the middle of the image with the reflected sky to the far end of the pool. Again there is a good range of colours and textures provided by the trees and grasses. 
Focal length 31mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/100 sec, f/8

A change of view looking down the river with the eye drawn from right to left towards the curve in the river which is also helped by the red/brown of the trees as the river turns to the left.
Focal length 23mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, f/8

Another image of the river but this time there is no curve in the river bank as the eye is drawn to a single point of perspective on the centre right. The reds, browns and golds of the trees and bushes give a good range of colour and texture which are reflected in the water.
Focal length 50mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, f/8

Another image of the riverbank to show the autumn colours and sky reflected in the water. The eye is drawn from bottom left up the river to the sky in the top right. 
Focal length 18mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, f/8

A contented calf on the riverbank. The rich brown of the calf in the foreground complements the lighter brown foliage and river in the background. 
Focal length 50mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, f/5

208 T2 Nature - Fungi and Autumn Colours

Assignment 208 Principles of location photography Theme 2 Nature
Fungi and autumn colours 14 October 2011

Research and influences 
This fungi was growing on an old tree stump under a bush at the bottom of my garden. I wanted to obtain an image of the fungi as they are at their best for a very short time. My influence for this assignment was Tim Parkin Professional Photographer whose work is shown elsewhere in this blog. 

Assignment planning and choice of equipment
The fungi was in a very dark position under a bush but for a short time in the afternoon if the sun was out it reflected off a window of our house and illuminated the fungi. So on a day when there was some sunshine I set up my Canon 350D with the 18 to 50 mm lens on a tripod with a cable release to reduce camera shake as there was still not a lot of light.

Choice of final images selected, safe equipment operation and health & safety
The 2 images below were chosen from the 23 taken on the day to convey the time of year by the colours of the plants and the fungi. Safe equipment operation and health & safety were taken into account but were not an issue as I was working on my own in my enclosed garden.

Log of image capture Choice of final images selected 
Fungi and autumn colours in my garden 14 October 2011
This fungi was growing on an old tree stump under a bush at the bottom of my garden. The image shows the range of brown colours and textures of the toadstools in contrast to the bright green of the small fern in the foreground. Due to the range of colours and shades the eye is drawn from the light green of the fern in the bottom right of the frame through the light and dark brown of the fungi to the top left of the image.
Focal length 46mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/50 sec, f/6.3 

This image shows the range of colours, texture, light and shade of leaves. This is demonstrated by the yellow, green, red and the silver/dark green on the bottom right of the frame. The one red leaf was placed on the left third of the frame to give a good balance to the image. 
Focal length 38mm, set on manual exposure, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, f/4.5

211 ISO, Shutter Speed and f/stop

This is to show the relationship between the shutter speed set on the camera, the lens aperture or f-stop and the sensitivity setting of the sensor or ISO (International Standard Organization). 

A low or long shutter speed will enable a large amount of light to reach the sensor but a high or short shutter speed will allow a smaller amount of light onto the sensor.

The iris of the lens can be opened or closed again to regulate the amount of light going through to the sensor. A small aperture of f/22 allows a small amount of light to pass but a large or wide aperture of f/2.8 will allow a large amount of light to reach the sensor.

The sensitivity or ISO of the sensor which will be a CCD (Charge Coupled Device) or CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) can be controlled to make to sensor more or less sensitive to light. A low ISO of 100 will give a high quality image but as the ISO is increased the amount of noise or grain on the image will increase and reduce the quality of the image. If a large print is needed of the image, a high quality photograph is required because as the image is enlarged the imperfections will show on the print.  

The images were taken on a windy day to show the effect of a low shutter speed. 

Image 1
Low ISO of 100, wide f-stop of f/2.8 and low speed of 40th sec
This has given an over exposed image because of the wide f-stop and low shutter speed which has given too much light even with a low ISO of 100. If the ISO had been any higher the image would have been burnt out like image 5.

Image 2
Low ISO of 100, small f-stop of f/22 and low speed of 1/4 sec
This combination has given the right exposure but due to the very low shutter speed there is movement because of the windy day.

Image 3
Low ISO of 100, wide f-stop of f/2.8 and high speed of 1000th sec
With a low ISO of 100 there was not sufficient light even with a very large f-stop of f/2.8 because of the high shutter speed of 1000th second so the image is very dark.

Image 4
Low ISO of 100, small f-stop of f/22 and a high speed of 1000th sec
Not sufficient light has got to the sensor to produce a image due to the combination of a low ISO, a small f-stop and high shutter speed.

Image 5
High ISO of 1600, wide f-stop of f/2.8 and low speed of 40th sec
This combination has given an over exposed image due to a high ISO and very wide f-stop of f/2.8 so a much higher shutter speed was required to keep the image from being over exposed.

Image 6
High ISO of 1600, small f-stop of f/22 and low speed of 30th sec
The exposure is good because the high ISO has been balanced against a low speed of 30th of a second but this has given movement due to the windy day. 

Image 7
High ISO of 1600, wide f-stop of f/2.8 and high shutter speed of 1250th sec
This high ISO with a wide f-stop of f/2.8 and a high speed of 1250th sec has produced a well exposed image but with a very limited depth of field.

Image 8
High ISO of 1600, small f-stop of f/22 and high speed of 1250th sec
This combination has not given sufficient light to the sensor to produce an image.

Image 9
High ISO of 1600, f/3.2 and high speed of 1000th sec
The image has the correct exposure but the speed has had to be increased to 1000th second to compensate for the high ISO.

Image 10
Low ISO of 100, wide f/2.8 and low speed of 100th sec
This is just to show that compared  to the image above this is also the right exposure but to compensate for the low ISO the speed had to be reduced to 100th second.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

208 Theme 2 Nature - Adam Burton Professional Photographer

Assignment 208 Principles of location Photography Theme 2 Nature 

Research and influences - Adam Burton Professional Photographer

Adam Burton is a leading landscape photographer and the author of four books. He now concentrates on South West England but has previously taken photographs on five continents. He runs workshops and one to one tuition days. He uses a full frame digital SLR camera with just 3 high quality zoom lenses that give him focal lengths from 16 to 200 mm combined with Neutral Density and Polarising filters. He became a full time professional in 2008 and has since had images published on the covers of more than 100 magazines as well as books and calenders.

Close examination of the first 5 images below and a number of the others combined with the information above taken from Adam Burton's web site about the equipment he uses give the answer to how he produces these images. They are all have perfect exposure over the entire frame with the sky darkened probably by the use of a graduated neutral density filter and strong saturated colours probably helped by the use of a polarising filter. The eye is led into and through the image very well by the positioning of the natural features and focal point in the frame. The horizon and the main points of interest are placed on the thirds of the frame.

The image below has additional interest added with the branch of the tree over the river framing the image and the water leading the eye from the bottom right of the frame to the top left which is the brightest point of the image. A neutral density filter may have been used to reduce the light and hence increase the exposure required to give the river this white blurred appearance. The strong colours are beautiful and well saturated with a very good tonal range.

The 3 waterscapes below are beautiful studies of light and composition. The sky and reflections on the first and third images are spectacular with the eye led to a single vanishing point. I do not think that these images have been enhanced by the use of graduated or polarising filters. However on the second image below a neutral density filter over the complete frame may well have been used to reduce the light and hence increase the exposure time required to turn the sea into a white mist.  

The image above and the 3 below are all about mood colour and a minimalist approach to the composition. The beautiful colours are produced by the time of day with the sky and reflections taking on the blue or pink colours of the light. The two images below that may well have been taken a short time apart and show how the light changes the total look of an image. All of these images lead the eye into the frame by the placement of the rocks and water within the frame.

The following 4 images again show a perfect control of exposure probably with the aid of a graduated neutral density filter. The first image has a small white cottage on or about the bottom left third of the frame to give a focal point, after which the eye is led through to the horizon. The colours, textures and tonal range are very good on all of these images.