Thursday, 3 November 2011

208 Theme 1 Built Environment - Val Corbett Professional Photographer

Assignment 208 Principles of Location Photography Theme 1 Built Environment

Research and influences - Val Corbett Professional Photographer

Val Corbett has been a freelance architectural and gardens photographer for 25 years. She is based in the Lake District. She has regularly contributed to Country Life and Cumbria Life. She also takes landscapes of the Lake District and has had many published in books about the area.  

The first two images are of garden follies and show the buildings and their surroundings very well. They are well exposed and sharp with the main points of interest i.e. the buildings placed on or near the centre of the frame. The first image has good symmetry and the eye is drawn to the interior of the building between the chairs. In the second image the eye is drawn from the foreground detail to the boat and the dark interior of the building. There is a good range of textures and colours in the images.

There is a very good perspective as the eye is drawn down the pyramid shaped trees to the white building in the background which is the focal point. This is balanced by the tree in blossom on the right and divides the frame into quarters for a strong composition. The lighting and exposure are very good.

There are some beautiful warm colours in this view of old buildings. The buildings in the foreground are obscured and do not detract the eye from being drawn into the centre of the frame to the tower which is the main single focal point. The sky is a little light but the background hills offer a good backdrop.

This image proves that a grand building is not required for a good photograph. This is a pleasing well balanced study with the eye being drawn up the path to the open doorway which is placed on the right third of the frame. The lighting is good without too much contrast and the colours are strong.

This is a very well exposed image to keep a little detail in the sky as well as good detail, texture and colour in the castle. The eye is drawn from the right up to the higher and brighter part of the building which is on the left third of the frame.

A good composition with the flowers providing good foreground detail and the gateway, wall and trees a strong background. The eye is drawn across the path to the gateway which is the main focal point but also via the diagonal wall to the break in the trees. 

This image is split into thirds with the cricket pavilion and players in the foreground which is the main focal point. The diagonal line of the trees in the middle ground leads the eye to the hills and sky in the background. The shutter speed is high enough to freeze the players but the exposure has retained the subtle colours, textures and details.

This moment in time has been well captured with a rainbow over a well exposed folly with good colours, textures and detail. The building is the single focal vanishing point of the image and has been placed in the lower centre of the square frame but the composition is strong.

A simple but beautiful image with the tower placed on the right third of the frame for a strong composition and balanced with the flock of white birds. The high contrast lighting and dark hills and sky in the background give strong dark colours and textures which add to the atmosphere on the photograph.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You have added more images for your research and this is good to see, can you ensure that you have added enough analysis of how these images are working for you with critical vocabulary to help explain what it is that you have identified.

