Thursday, 3 November 2011

208 Theme 1 Built Environment - Lance Wittenberg Photographer

Assignment 208 Principles of Location Photography Theme 1 Built Environment

Research - Lance Wittenberg Photographer

As well as taking photographs of historic buildings Lance also takes images of motorsport, aircraft and wargaming.
Around Lincoln

The main thing that I notice about the images below from around Lincoln by Lance Wittenberg is that he is not afraid to get very close to very tall buildings with a wide angle lens. This accentuates the converging verticals and often cuts off the bottom of the building. The perspective is a little unusual with a single vanishing point at the top of the building. However it does bring the observer close to the building so that the details, textures and colours are better seen.

The archway below has also been observed from close up rather than further back with a longer focal length lens. The textures and colours of the fine details around the arch are shown very well.

Again the following images are taken looking up from close to the base of the building and this time with a white sky which isolates the building. However again the result has shown the textures, colours and style of the building very well.

Croome Park
The following images taken at Croome Park are again a little unconventional from a perspective point of view.

A wide angle lens was used relatively close to the building for the image below which has given the converging verticals. The sky and the top of the building is a little burnt out which also gives a white sky.

Another unconventional viewpoint in the image below. The photographer probably wished to show that the church was in an isolated position and not part of a village or close to other buildings. This has been achieved but the building has been placed unconventionally in the centre of the frame not on one of the thirds. The horizon has also been placed almost on the centre of the frame so the image is subdivided 50/50 in both directions.

The next three images again have a relatively close proximity between the camera and the building in common combined with a wide angle lens which gives converging verticals and a viewpoint looking up at the building.

The image below is a more conventional view of a building taken from a distance with a longer focal length lens which gives straight verticals. The exposure is good with a well lit building and a blue sky.

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